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Keynote Lecture: "Performance As Knowledge: The Datafication of Popular Yiddish Theatre"

11.09.2023 | 17:00 c.t. - 19:00
Dr. Ruthie Abeliovich

Dr. Ruthie Abeliovich

Keynote lecture by Dr. Ruthie Abeliovich (Tel Aviv University) opening the workshop "DraCor Onboarding Workshop for Hebrew and Yiddish"

My talk delves into the intriguing world of Yiddish popular theatre through a data-driven lens. The DYBBUK project, supported by a 5-year ERC grant, embarked on a comprehensive exploration of the themes, forms, and practices of Yiddish popular theatre during the pivotal turn of the 20th century. By mining old Yiddish prompting notebooks, ephemeral artefacts from popular theatre and sound recordings, the project offers fresh perspectives on theatre heritage and its significance. My presentation focuses on the project’s digital approach, offering insights into how datafication enhances our understanding of the Yiddish popular theatre, shedding light on its profound impact on our culture.

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Zeit & Ort

11.09.2023 | 17:00 c.t. - 19:00

Freie Universität Berlin,
Villa Engler
Altensteinstraße 2
14195 Berlin

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